Saturday, May 31, 2014

Workout Music

Sometimes I'm just not feeling a structured workout routine, and I just want to do my own thing.  When this happens I like to put on some music and just get moving.  Here are some of my favorite workout tunes...

the '80s Cardio' station on Pandora.  Seriously, it's awesome.

There are some Punk Goes Pop songs that are fantastic.  My favorites are Toxic by a Static Lullaby.  More Than a Feeling by Hit the Lights.  When I Grow Up by Mayday Parade.  Also worth checking out is Disturbia by Cab. Over My Head by A Day to Remember.  Another cover song that I just love that is not part of the Punk Goes Pop series is Radioactive by Our Last Night.  Love that one!

I'm not sure why I like cover songs so much, but I also like Avenged Sevenfold's cover of Walk.  Killswitch Engage's cover of Holy Diver.  Atreyu's cover of You Give Love a Bad Name.  A Day to Remember's cover of Since You Been Gone.  And guilty pleasure cover song that I like doing cardio to is Glee's version of Hit me with Your Best Shot/One Way or Another and Singin in the Rain/Umbrella.

Back in my young teenage years... I'm talking like 7th, 8th grade I thought Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory album was the coolest thing.  I loved that album.  It's still a great album.  Except, now I feel old because that album was released FOURTEEN years ago!!  That's almost a decade in a half!  I'm getting so old lol.  I would listen to the song 'Runaway' every time my parents pissed me off lol.  Good times.  Anyway!  Point being that I still like this album for workout music.  One Step Closer from their Live in Texas album is great.  I also like This is the House that Doubt Built and 2nd Sucks from A Day to Remember.  During my brief period of running (and I do mean brief, like maybe a week) I put the song Fast Forward to 2012 on my Ipod, but the only part I put on it was the part where they say, "pick up your feet".  That's it.  Another good song to do this to is Parkway Drive's Romance is Dead.  Just the part where they say, "So, cry me a fucking river, bitch".  That's all you need!

I love music.  It can really fuel your workout.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

10 Minute Solution: Hip Hop Dance Mix

All 10 Minute Solution Series dvd's basically follow the same setup.  Five workouts, ten minutes each.  You can pick one, do them all, or mix and match.  Whatever you feel like doing, or whatever you have time for.

I like they set it up so that you can create your own workout.  I always start with my favorites and  then I'll add in the others if I feel like it, but I always do my favorites first.  Maybe I should start saving the best for last so that I'm more likely to keep going.  I do them first though, to ensure that I will get into it.

Anyway!  Kristin Jacobs is a good instructor.  I like her.  The music in the routines is good.  This dvd is a little different from the others that I have tried in the series because she breaks each ten minute workout into two separate routines.  If you don't like the dance too much at least it's over in five minutes and you can move on!

My two favorites for this dvd are Hip Hop Basics and Fat Burning Funk are my favorite.  With Fat Burning Funk you definitely get a bit more cardio in.

You don't have to workout intensely all the time.  You just have to stay active and enjoy life and have fun!  Give your body rest when it needs it.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Leslie Sansone Walk to the Hits Radio Remixes.

There are two Walk to the Hits workouts.  Radio Remixes and Party Songs.  They are very, very similar.  As most of her walking programs are.

I felt that this DVD was slightly misleading.  It's called Walk to the Hits because you're walking to hit music, and you're also doing a HIIT workout.  I am almost thankful that they didn't call this Walk to the HIITs because calling this a HIIT workout is a serious stretch.

I love HIIT training.  If you're doing a true HIIT workout you don't have time to get bored!  I have an app for my Ipad called 'seconds' and you can create a timer in any intervals that you want.  It's great for making up your own HIIT workout at home!  I love it.  The 10 Minute Solution series has a good HIIT workout.  My favorite is, of course, the Turbo Fire HIIT workouts.

Anyway!!  Back to Leslie.

This workout does not fall into the HIIT category for me.  It's actually quite easy, and I prefer her regular walking dvd's.  You are also done with the HIIT part before you're even half way through the dvd.  Plus, it starts with a warm up walk and a regular walk, so the amount of time spent doing HIIT training is very small.  I think you do four total, about 30 seconds each (maybe 6), plus she adds one more towards the end.  She REALLY slows things down before and after each 'burst' though.  And the smile amount of time spent increasing intensity does nearly nothing to my heart rate.  After 30 seconds of a Turbo Fire HIIT I'm dying.

I still actually like the dvd, though.  The music really is great, and keeps you wanting to move.  I really like that everybody has their own style.  I always am wary about recommending one of these walking dvd's to anybody because Leslie is the type of person that is just not for everybody.  I usually quite dislike bubbly workout instructors, but it works for Leslie.  She is just to genuine.  She truly loves what she does.  She is always so proud of you.

Every time I do one of her workouts I pay very little attention to it.  It's mostly just background.  I just walk around and try to get out of my head.  I just get the beat and the pace and just kind of do my own thing, but I like it.  It is good to do on a day that's too hot, too cold, too wet, too windy, or whatever else.  Give it a try!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Dance Off the Inches Belly Dance

This is a fun cardio workout.  There are three dances.  I enjoyed all of them.  The instructor has a lot of energy.  She is quite likable.

You really move your hips in these workouts!  It is belly dancing, so that is to be expected, but it really is fun.  I found myself smiling and feeling more energetic after completing this workout.

I would definitely recommend giving it a try.  It is easy to follow and fun to do! A lot of of the moves will not be new to you.  That's not a bad thing.  That means you'll catch on quickly.  And if you catch on quickly you can add more of your own style and really get into it and burn more calories!  I love when I finally get the choreography down and can put in extra effort and attitude.  I wish I could do that BEFORE I master the choreography.  I know it's not about getting the moves perfect, it's about enjoying yourself and having fun, but I am the type of person who has to be good at it first.  If you're not that kind of person though, KUDOS! I'm jealous lol.

Have a great day!  Stay active.  Rest when you need it.  Enjoy life!  Spend time with the people you love.  Life is short!  Make the most of it!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Jennifer Galardi - Dance in Ten

This dance workout by Jennifer Galardi is broken into three ten minute segments.  During each segment you learn a portion of the final dance routine.  The last ten minute section you put everything together.  You start out going through once very slowly just to see how it all fits together.  After that you go through the dance at slow, medium, and fast tempo... three times each.

I didn't think I would like how this was set up.  I thought that by the end when you put it all together I would forget everything.  I like when you regularly start from the top.  I was, however, able to catch on without much trouble.

The routine is fun.  I enjoyed it.  I did not care for the music.  Jennifer does a great job explaining the choreography.  Some of the moves have tricky timing.  Overall though I would say it is easy to learn, and fun to perform.

This workout is good for a lazy day, or just something to do to kill time.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Dancinerate - Burn with the Beat

Ilyse Baker wants you to find your inner dancer.  During the Sexy Broadway Jazz routine I felt like I actually was learning a bit about dance.  The seemed like something you  could definitely put together as really good choreography.  A dance you would willingly show off to your friends and family. It's a fun workout.

Hip Hop Funk is sexy, too.  I love that there are moments of freestyle.  I think that this helps your feel more confident and allows you to really feel the music.  You have to just not worry about feeling silly doing these routines. Nobody is watching, so dance like nobody is watching!  Have fun and enjoy yourself!  Life is short.  Do something that makes you smile.   Whatever that is.  

I'll be honest, it's not a great cardio workout.  I had a day off today so I did this AFTER I did my 'real workout'.  I just did it to boost my confidence and get me moving.  I would still suggest this workout.  Ilyse has a lot of energy.  She's excited about what she does.  She has her moments where it seems fake to me.  Not the energy, but her swagger.  Yes, I just used the word swagger.  I applaud her for really asking you to find your own style though and let loose and bring your personality to it.  She even suggests dressing the part to help.  Her shoes were killing me during the Hip Hop Funk routine lol.

I like the music used as well.  It is very fitting.  The music used to practice and to perform are different.  I liked the change.  The performance of the Hip Hop routine had surprisingly slow music.  I was surprised, but it funky and makes you want to groove, so I guess that's why it's call Hip Hop Funk.  The music during the cooldown is perfect as well.  It goes so nicely with the moves.  Even though I got bored with the cooldown quickly I actually did like the moves.  

A good workout for a cold or rainy day.


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Now That's What I Call Fitness

I have no idea how I came across this DVD, but  I am so happy that I did!  This dvd is so much fun!  The music is great.  Here are just a few songs used for this dvd:

Jennifer Lopez - On the Floor
LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem
Black Eyed Peas - The Time
Lady GaGa- Born This Way
Far East Movement - Like a G6
Rihanna - Only Girl

and there's so much more!

This dvd runs 70 minutes!

I love the way they sectioned it out, but you can also customize.  My favorite part is the first dance of the 'Rock it Out' section.  A great dance to do with some attitude.  I could not keep my eyes off the girl with the black hair.  She has a killer body, and is quite a talented dancer.

Many of the dances really are great cardio.  The moves work your abs, too.  If that isn't enough though, they even include ab work done on the floor.

If you enjoy dancing I strongly suggest this workout.  I am by no means a dancer (seriously!), but this was easy to follow, fun, and effective.  An absolute win.

So You Think You Can Dance Get Fit - Tone and Groove

Pass.  Move on.

Honestly, that's all I care to say about this lol.  I could end right there.

I applaud Twitch for making the Hip Hop section sound like a great workout, but let's be honest.  The Hip Hop routine was the most enjoyable, but still not great.  I couldn't get through the jazz section because Katee's voice was so irritating to me.  The cha cha with Dmitry felt too repetitive.

If you want a dance workout there are some really fun options available.  This is not one of them.  Don't waste your time or money.

Plus, I think the full length segments are available on YouTube, so check there if you're really interested in trying this out.  Try it before you buy it! 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

UFC Fit - Fat Fighter

5 rounds.  4 moves each.  repeated twice.

This has so far been the most confusing workout for me.  I had the same problem with similar moves in LesMills Combat. Another great workout.  I am not a fighter.  I don't know how to roll and twist and turn out of moves.  I'm sure it will come with practice, but for now, I just can't get the hang of it.  You know do moves long enough to really get the hang of something that confuses you.  All in due time.  I'm sure that if I keep at it I will be able to do it.  If and when I do get the hang of it I will know I have made progress! :) It's the same with dance workouts.  Sometimes the choreography is confusing, but after a few times you get the hang of it.

For some of the moves I had to follow the modifier.  This workout is challenging.  Once I was finished though I was surprised how fast it went by.  During the first two rounds it felt like I had so long to go.  During round three I had a moment of wondering if I would be willing to put in the effort.  Then I remember what my goals are,and kept on.  By the time the last round was over I was like, 'already?!' lol.

This is only day four, and I can already feel my energy levels increasing.  More importantly, my mood is improving, too!  Everybody around me is probably grateful for that lol.  I find myself being more outgoing.

It's a great feeling.  I just have to keep telling myself and reminding myself how great it feels to make healthy choices.

I was reading and Lifestyle and Nutrition Manual and Mike Dolce says that he kept a candy bar by his bed, his biggest vice and everyday would say, "I could eat you right now, but I choose not to.  I might eat you later, but right now, I choose not to."  This is how he developed the skill of delaying gratification, and he never did eat that candy bar.  I have read about this before.  I read a lot about intuitive eating.  There are several books on the subject, and some of them suggest doing this.  This is not something I am comfortable with, yet, but I like the idea.  It probably would help.

I am also reading about eliminated processed sugar from your diet, and it says something similar.  "every day you have to flex your 'I don't need sugar' muscles".  Not a bad idea!  For now I will just practice saying no at the grocery, and try eliminating the problem by not having it.  Difficult to do when you live with others that have junk in the house, but it at least eliminates your biggest weaknesses (unless others in the house keep that particular food around).  I still have to use control when my parents bring home snacks, sugary cereal, and ice cream.  I hope to continue to get better everyday.  Wish me luck!

Friday, May 16, 2014

UFC Fit - Power Pull

This workout is tough!!  8 rounds, 3 moves each, repeated twice.  Rounds 1 - 7 are strength and abs.  Round 8 is cardio.

This workout included moves I have never seen before.  Not a lot, but some.  And you know what?  I like them... a lot.

I love these straight to the point workouts.  They're certainly not for everybody, but they suit me.

While I was doing this workout I just kept thinking to myself, "If I keep at this I am going to look so damn good on my wedding day!"  That kept me motivated, and honestly you don't even have time to be unmotivated.  You have just keep going and push through.

I love workouts like this because you feel like a badass when you're done.  You feel like you can do anything.  I much prefer that over the feeling after other workouts.  After doing a dance workout sometimes I feel pretty and energetic.  It's a different kind of confidence.  After this workout I feel powerful.  I love that.  Again, I know it's not for everybody.  After doing a walking workout I don't really feel anything.  This is definitely a workout I can get used to.  It is full body.  It's strength, cardio, and flexibility.  It gets the job done.

UFC Fit - Cardio Cross Train and Ab Assassin

When I went to do this one I was dreading it a bit.  When I see "cardio" I sign a little inside.  I, however, loved this.  He starts off saying that you don't need weights for this one, the only resistance is your mind.  I love that.  That is true so often with fitness (and pretty much every other aspect of life).  

Cardio Cross Train is 8 rounds.  Five moves each round for 20 seconds, repeated twice.  Usually right side the first time around, left side the second.  I really enjoyed this workout.  It moves VERY quickly.

The moves are great.  You throw a lot of punches, do a lot of lunges. You'll feel this one.  I felt ready for my day after this workout. 

I like that Mike Dolce repeatedly tells you to take a deep breath and the importance of oxygen.  Like I said, this workout moves quickly, but you still have time to take one deep breath before moving on to the next move.  He demos each move before you start, so I suggest breathing while you can lol.

Everybody in these videos are seriously fit.  It's quite impressive, and very motivating.

I can definitely see getting results if you stick with this program.  It hits every body part.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

UFC Fit - Power Punch

Today I did UFC Fit's Power Punch.  The workout has eight rounds.  Each round has three moves that you do for thirty seconds.  You do each set of moves twice.  That's one round.

The nice thing about this workout is that it is setting a foundation for the rest of the program, so it's not overly difficult.  You still do plenty of work, though!  What I like most about this workout is that it's easy to modify.  You can slow down the pace or use lighter or heavier weights.  The workout is fast paced, which I like.  It ensures that I will not get bored.  There was only one of the eight rounds that I didn't really care for.

If you haven't heard the 'fit' in UFC FIT stands for 'Full body Intensity Training', and that is no lie.   It is definitely full body.  Full body = more calories burned.  I feel like I could have done this workout with a little more intensity in the beginning.  I was not sure what to expect, so maybe I unconsciously held back a little (just in case).  Now that I have done the workout and know what to expect, I will definitely do things a little bit differently.  The first time you do a workout you kind of have to get  a feel for it.  See what moves you are good and bad at.  There are a few moves that I could have used heavier weights.  In the round that I didn't like I didn't put forth at much effort.  My body just did not want to cooperate, so next time I would add more intensity to other rounds to compensate.

Overall, great workout.  Worked up a sweat.  Great ab work.  Goes by quickly.  Holds your attention.  I would recommend this workout.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Hip Hop Hustle!

This post was made possible by my loving fiance who bought me a Hip Hop Hustle dvd from ebay.

I LOVE Chalene Johnson.  She is my favorite, hands down.  She has so much energy.  She is always enthusiastic, optimistic, fun, and motivating.  I am a big fan of her work.  I love the intensity of Turbo Fire.  I love the slow and controlled movements of Chalean Extreme, and I can't wait for PiYo next month! I have always had an interest in learning yoga, but my attention span is tiny!  I get bored easily, and I hate staying still.  I want to increase my flexibility (for greater strength potential), but holding posing is not something I can get myself to do.  PiYo will hopefully be exactly what I'm looking for.

ANYWAY, back to Hip Hop Hustle.  I did Hop Hop Hustle 10.  It has three blocks.  I enjoyed all three.  It was so much fun.  It's a great way to get in cardio.  It even helps give a little self esteem boost if you dance with some attitude (which I strongly suggest).  Since Hip Hop Hustle dvd's are designed to be a learning tool for Hip Hop Hustle instructors it is a lot different than Turbo Jam.  It still flows very nicely, and it doesn't feel like she's slowly breaking down choreography for you to teach others.  The only thing really different from a normal dance workout is that the music is very quiet.

I will definitely be doing this workout over and over.  It is so much fun, and broken down well.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Ellen Barrett Slim Sculpt

Ellen Barrett as an instructor is not my favorite, but she provides a good workout.

Three pounds have never felt so heavy!  I love that light weights can be so challenging.  There are times during this workout that are extremely difficult, and all I want is to just drop my three pound dumbbells and just take a nice relaxing breath.  The second half of this workout (more accurately probably the last third) is much easier.

My only negative comment for this workout is that she says over and over how flattering it is to use light weights because it does not create bulk.  It is such a pet peeve of mine when women are afraid of lifting weights, and by her saying that I feel like she's slightly promoting such thoughts.  This is just my opinion, but I think toned women look fantastic.  It's sexy, not manly.  Women and men are different.  Women get lean lifting weights, not bulky!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Dance Off the Inches Cardio Hip Hop Party

This is a fun workout.  The music is festive.  Jennifer Galardi has enthusiasm and positive energy.

This dvd consists of three dance workouts.  Old School, Hip Hop House, and Video Jam.

Old School puts a smile on your face.  You get to do moves like the Roger Rabbit and the cabbage patch.  Hip Hop House has a lot of bounce to it.  I did start to sweat by the time this dance was over.  Video Jam was by far my least favorite of the three.  It has a much slower tempo, and it boring at time.  It did not hold my attention as well.  There were two moves that were particularly slow that I improvised and replaced them with the 'Gangnam Style' move.  Still fun and worth doing on a day when you can't or don't want to do an intense workout, or if you have already put in your workout for the day and just want to get moving and have a bit of fun.

Post workout was my favorite!  I baked a brownie Quest bar in the oven.  I have always microwaved them.  I had no idea what a difference baking them would make!  The aroma of brownies actually filled my kitchen.  I also made banana ice cream.  The result was wonderful!